So you’re a small business owner, why on earth would you pay attention to the advertising around the NFL Super Bowl? You can’t afford it, plus advertising like this is only for the big brands, right?
Wrong. Watching the way brands swarm around the Super Bowl has become something of a spectator sport in the last few years, serving as a microcosm for the future direction of the mainstream market. So no matter what your size, if you’re hoping to take a slice, you’ve no excuse to not pay attention.
Merlin Duff, Brand Consultant at Wonderstuff, offers his thoughts on what we can learn from the advertising around Super Bowl 50.
I’ll cut to the chase, 2015 was the year when the corporate world seemed to begin cottoning on to the true meaning of ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ (or in other words, doing good business not just doing business) — it now appears it’s about to go mainstream. About time too.
Just a quick glance through the four adverts below and you’ll begin to see what I mean;
- Colgate asked us to turn the tape off when brushing
- Mini challenged us to be happy with ourselves
- Axe (that’s Lynx to us in the UK) is on the ‘be yourself’ bandwagon too
- Budweiser combine with Helen Mirren (yes really) remind us not to be a “pillock” and drive and drive
Understanding that People and Planet trump Profits every time and acting accordingly are, sadly, emerging concepts to the world of big business. For corporations it’s a real challenge to get these intangible concepts into tangible touchpoints. Advertising and marketing is a start, but now they have to make meaningful change at every level of their organisations in order to start living up to these messages.
But for you, the small business owner, being good is easy. It starts (and in many cases, ends) with you. If you do what’s right, if you do good, if you treat everyone as an individual, the chances are these are the things your brand will come to stand for too. So do it. In most cases I’ve come across, people like you aren’t motivated purely by money, there’s something higher, a purpose for your every waking moment. If you don’t know what it is, get some help, figure it out, and start acting accordingly.
Now back to the Super Bowl; at the end of it all there can be only one winner (apart from the Denver Broncos of course). And in my eyes it’s the events title sponsor Budweiser.
Not only did they go highbrow with Helen Mirren (see above), they went after the younger market with Seth Rogin and Amy Schuster, whilst also making some bold brand statements with “Not Backing Down“.
And to cap it all off, retiring NFL legend Peyton Manning said in his post-victory interview;
“I want to go kiss my wife and my kids. I want to go hug my family [and] I’m going to drink a lot of Budweiser tonight … I promise you that”
How’s that for some (no doubt prompted) brand advocacy?
For further commentary on the brand activity around Super Bowl 50 check out #BrandBowl on Twitter
Or, for a full list of Super Bowl 50 advertising click here
So you’re a small business owner, why on earth would you pay attention to the advertising around the NFL Super Bowl? You can’t afford it, plus advertising like this is only for the big brands, right?
Wrong. Watching the way brands swarm around the Super Bowl has become something of a spectator sport in the last few years, serving as a microcosm for the future direction of the mainstream market. So no matter what your size, if you’re hoping to take a slice, you’ve no excuse to not pay attention.
Merlin Duff, Brand Consultant at Wonderstuff, offers his thoughts on what we can learn from the advertising around Super Bowl 50.
I’ll cut to the chase, 2015 was the year when the corporate world seemed to begin cottoning on to the true meaning of ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ (or in other words, doing good business not just doing business) — it now appears it’s about to go mainstream. About time too.
Just a quick glance through the four adverts below and you’ll begin to see what I mean;
Understanding that People and Planet trump Profits every time and acting accordingly are, sadly, emerging concepts to the world of big business. For corporations it’s a real challenge to get these intangible concepts into tangible touchpoints. Advertising and marketing is a start, but now they have to make meaningful change at every level of their organisations in order to start living up to these messages.
But for you, the small business owner, being good is easy. It starts (and in many cases, ends) with you. If you do what’s right, if you do good, if you treat everyone as an individual, the chances are these are the things your brand will come to stand for too. So do it. In most cases I’ve come across, people like you aren’t motivated purely by money, there’s something higher, a purpose for your every waking moment. If you don’t know what it is, get some help, figure it out, and start acting accordingly.
Now back to the Super Bowl; at the end of it all there can be only one winner (apart from the Denver Broncos of course). And in my eyes it’s the events title sponsor Budweiser.
Not only did they go highbrow with Helen Mirren (see above), they went after the younger market with Seth Rogin and Amy Schuster, whilst also making some bold brand statements with “Not Backing Down“.
And to cap it all off, retiring NFL legend Peyton Manning said in his post-victory interview;
How’s that for some (no doubt prompted) brand advocacy?
For further commentary on the brand activity around Super Bowl 50 check out #BrandBowl on Twitter
Or, for a full list of Super Bowl 50 advertising click here
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