In 2012, British Gas, the largest of the Big Six energy suppliers, rolled out a new look Gas bill to all of its customers. On the face of it this doesn’t sound much, but in the words of their design agency Lippincott;
A piece of paper that goes to more than 10 million customers is more than a simple re-design.
Everyone involved understood that the bill was British Gas’ main point of contact with consumers, and as such saw it as a way of strengthening their relationship with British Gas. Aside from this aim, there was a desire to use the bill to;
- Create greater overall simplicity in the billing experience, helping drive down costs for consumers and British Gas alike.
- Unify all billing formats – dual fuel, single fuel, direct debit, etc
- Cut out unnecessary jargon, improving customer experience, and reinforcing the British Gas brand
- Reframe the way consumers think about the bill, from a demand for money to a means to save
- Comply more completely with Ofgem and governmental recommendations
Following the launch of the redesigned bill, British Gas saw; a 10% drop in customer queries regarding bill, leading to a financial saving for the energy supplier of £750k per year. Consumers also felt the benefits of the new design with a 17% increase in those stating “The information is easily understandable on my bill”, and 20% increase in those stating “The language is approachable on my bill”.
All in all, a great example of how well-considered, strategically focused design can have a massive and positive effect a business.