Celebrating Fifteen Years Of moving brands forward
Celebrating Fifteen Years
Industry Insight for Design Students

Wonderstuff design director Kerry Neesam graduated from Teesside University with a first class honours degree in graphic design in 2013, and earlier this year returned to help current students gain an insight into the industry.

“This was before lockdown in March,” Kerry explained. “So it was great to meet the students in person and share my experiences of working with agencies in London and the North East. I was then able to spend time with third year students to advise on their final projects and how to make their portfolios more relevant to commercial design.”

When the university stopped all face to face contact due to coronavirus Kerry continued to give further advice and guidance to the students virtually.

“I was very pleased to be able to do something to help with the students’ education at this time, and to give back to the university,” said Kerry. “I’m hoping to do more in the coming academic year.

“Design is an exciting career with a lot of opportunity if you’re prepared to seek out varied work experience, demonstrate a positive attitude and show lots of enthusiasm. Even in a senior role, you’re constantly learning about both design and business.”