My conversations with clients over the last few months have almost all circled back to positioning. And from there, to being brave.

Many conversations start with the outputs – a new name, a new logo, a refreshed look and feel, packaging design, a website, and as we talk, the question of audience, and then position comes up.
I know that running a business is a more than full-time job and that your focus as a business owner is often on the outputs that need to be delivered. If you dive straight into the outputs, the design team you work with can only deliver what you ask. And once delivered, it’s then a task to work out how to use these tools in your marketing.
Investing time in exploring and finding a clear position pays dividends. From the moment you choose your position, it will shape everything you do. Your brand name. The colours you should use. The look and feel.
Unless you have a unique product or service, you’ll have competition too.
So be brave with your position – while it may feel extreme to you, once you’ve refined and launched it, and shared it with your audience for a time, it’ll soon feel much safer.
Choose a brave position for your brand.
Want to talk about being brave? Drop us a message for a chat.