Celebrating Fifteen Years Of moving brands forward
Celebrating Fifteen Years

Today’s blog post is all about positivity!

Make Use.

Use every opportunity. Everything that goes well. Use it. Everything that doesn’t work out. Use it.

It’s hard to be on top of your game every day – so it’s important you surround yourself with others that will help you be the best you can be. Set a clear goal. Keep moving forwards.

Give Back, Pay Forward.

Wonderstuff believe in giving back and have therefore been involved with helping out at Teesside University and Northumbria University and will continue to do so in the coming weeks.

Kerry Neesam, our Design Director was at Teesside University last week sharing her journey since graduating from there herself in 2013. Kerry gave an inspiring lecture to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd year students sharing her career decisions so far, some projects she has worked on and challenges she has faced, as well as industry tips and advice. She continued into the afternoon giving 1 on 1 feedback to the third year students and will continue to do this remotely over the next few weeks (given COVID-19 and Teesside University suspending all face-to-face classroom teaching.)

Kerry says:

“I feel honoured to be invited back to my old uni as a guest lecture, I remember how valuable it was hearing experiences from designers in the industry when I was studying, so I am so glad to be able to help out in some way. I saw some really inspiring ideas from the third years portfolios and am excited to see where they take them in the coming weeks.”  

Last week, Paul also spent 3 hours with Northumbria University Design Students reviewing their portfolios, along with Mickey Devine and Damian Parker-Kidd.

Paul says:

“It was great to see the talent and skills across the three years of students, and as always some pieces of work stood out for each of us. Whilst for some their university life is close the end, they have a long journey ahead. Life in design is filled with ongoing learning and a desire for self-improvement. I’ve been working as a designer for nearly 25 years. I’ve still got a lot to learn, and a lot I want to achieve.”

Coronavirus government guidance encourages working from home.

Whilst we are hearing so much bad news, we wanted to share some positives:

1. Our pets will have an amazing time (Kerry’s cat, Maggie is loving life having her WFH!)

2. China on Thursday reported NO NEW LOCAL INFECTIONS for the first time since the coronavirus crisis began three months ago.

3. Teachers are reaching out on social networking sites to offer help to parents and families RE home schooling – we’ve seen so many posts!!

We are loving seeing so many people supporting one and other, reaching out to help and just generally being there for each other. We will get through this! Stay positive!!

Inspirational quote from our founder, Paul Alderson:

“Change is constant. Speed is a surprise. The biggest thing I’ve seen over the last few weeks is the speed at which governments, businesses, and individuals have reacted. It’s incredible to see. It’s impressive. And it will be remembered in the months and years to come. Whilst there are no doubt hard times ahead for each of us, please remember that YOU are resilient, flexible, and adaptable. You have made things happen that need to happen. These aptitudes will be immensely valuable to your families, friends, and those you serve, no matter how you earn your living. Stay safe.”

If you’d like a call to see if we can help you and your business think creatively right now, let us know. This is not a sales pitch. This is about supporting each other so that we’re all able to continue our businesses and support our employees.

If you’re creative, a strategist, a thinker, a problem solver. Reach out to your own network and see who you might be able to help.

Please drop us an email at hello@wonderstuff.co